Here are the Catholic bishops who enslaved Black people in America.
Nate Tinner-Williams explores the history of episcopal human trafficking in what would become the United States of America.
Nate Tinner-Williams explores the history of episcopal human trafficking in what would become the United States of America.
The 70-year-old Bishop of San Diego is, like the lone African-American cardinal, one of Pope Francis' most trusted allies among U.S. prelates.
Fr Raymond Harris on his work as a veteran priest of the archdiocese, and the fruits of faithful labor.
The Northeast was a boon for Black and Afro-Latino congressional candidates amid widespread Republican victories in the Senate and White House.
Their statement does not mention the participation of Maryland Catholics—and their bishops—in the institution of U.S. chattel slavery.
Ralph Moore, a year after petitioning Rome for Black saints, sees a crisis of good faith in Baltimore as it downsizes its Black Catholic footprint.
The move comes as the civil case remains open on appeal before the Maryland Supreme Court, which is set to hear oral arguments this month.
The 47-year-old former gymnast was the first African American to win an individual Olympic gold medal and the first to win gold at three Olympics.
Ralph E. Moore Jr. laments the latest racial violence against those once subjected to explicit segregation in the nation's first Catholic diocese.
Ralph E. Moore Jr. on his radical activism in 1971 at his home parish, St. Pius V in Baltimore, and the legacy of Black Catholic resistance.
30 churches will shutter in the newly finalized plan, released on May 22 and sparking varied reactions from African Americans.
The new ruling out of Maryland could set up her descendants for another large settlement, this time from California bioscience firm Ultragenyx.
Ralph E. Moore Jr. says this year should be the start of a direct campaign for the sainthood of the first six African Americans up for canonization.
The Descendants of Jesuit Enslavement Historical & Genealogical Society seeks to shine a light on enslavement in the world's largest religious order.
Most of Charm City's historic Black Catholic parishes are on the chopping block in an archdiocese mired in legal troubles due to clerical sex abuse.
Fr Ako Walker, a Redemptorist from Trinidad, will lead a candlelight prayer service at his Latino immigrant parish, Sacred Heart of Jesus.