Investigation: Mother Wilhelmina Lancaster's lack of decomposition 'atypical'
The Black Benedictine nun was exhumed in 2023 to international fanfare when her body was found to be undecayed after four years of entombment.
The Black Benedictine nun was exhumed in 2023 to international fanfare when her body was found to be undecayed after four years of entombment.
As the world awaits the first Vatican confirmation of a miracle wrought by an African American, Ralph Moore Jr. says they should consider the obvious.
Mother Mary Wilhelmina Lancaster, OSB, died in 2019 and was exhumed recently by her Benedictine Sisters of Mary, Queen of the Apostles.
A Brazilian former seminarian who studied under an African-American priest now considered for canonization explains why he thinks his former mentor is worthy of the altars.
When one digs deeply into the Marian image revealed to St. Juan Diego and Bishop Juan Zumárraga, OFM in 1531, a distinctly Black Catholic narrative emerges. Nate Tinner-Williams dives in.
Marian apparitions in the United States are all but non-existent, but one Black Mississippian born this day in 1923 may have broken the mold. Nate Tinner-Williams explores.
A miraculous appearance of St. Martin de Porres to his fellow Dominican religious brother is recounted by its experient, a Black professor in New Orleans.
A Catholic podcast on the supernatural recently covered Harriet Tubman and the legacy of state-sanctioned slavery. Briana Jansky dives in.