Now that the 2024 presidential election is over and Americans, including a majority of Catholics, have made their choice, we should pray that the incoming Trump administration is able to unite our country.
Trump has an opportunity to be one of the best second-term presidents ever, if he is able to restructure government to reduce waste, increase government revenues, reduce government spending, pass comprehensive immigration reform, and invest in America's infrastructure to strengthen global competitiveness.
The Republican Party has strayed from its fiscal roots over the past three decades. This shift coincided with President George H. W. Bush's defeat by Bill Clinton in 1992. Imagine how much better off America would be if Republicans hadn't moved towards debt-borrowing to finance tax cuts!
In the past, we expected Democrats to continue their tax-and-spend approach to government while knowing we were safeguarded by fiscally responsible Republicans in Congress and throughout America. How times have changed! Thirty trillion dollars later and our nation is in a downward spiral financially. Sure, the stock market continues to rise and low-skill, low-wage jobs are created, but will there be anything left besides a massive debt for our grandchildren? Will the transfer of national wealth to individuals have dire consequences in the decades to come?

Trump has the ability to right the ship and has four years to do so. It doesn't matter if you support him or not. As Americans, we must support the president in at least some regard, regardless of who sits in the office. We must offer our talents and wise counsel to our political leaders to help our nation improve. We must get away from negativity and move forward with hopeful optimism that America can get on stable ground—politically, socially, and morally. Our nation is at its best when we come together for the common good.
Given this fact, I offer the following prayers:
Let us pray for the president-elect, his cabinet, and all members of our government as we prepare for the upcoming political cycle.
Let us pray that proposed changes bring about new ideas and new ways to govern with respect, while valuing the human dignity of all.
Let us pray for wisdom and strength of character to implement tough changes that we have neglected for decades.
Let us pray for increased unity wherein we can all live the American dream in peace and harmony the way God intends.
Let us pray that the walls that separate us come election time are torn down permanently, so that we can once again discuss our differences to come up with meaningful solutions.
Let us pray for godly thoughts, words and deeds from all, especially those in the White House cabinet and administration. They will need God's grace to succeed.
Let us pray that Christian principles (including Catholic social teaching), not ever-changing feelings, be followed in developing and implementing policies and laws.
Let’s pray that 2025 is a turning point for spiritual renewal in America.
May God continue to bless the United States of America and protect us from ourselves and our adversaries.
Ronald E. Smith, Ed.D is a lifelong Catholic who enjoys writing. He is a Rotarian, member of the Thea Bowman Council #406 of the Knights of Peter Claver, and a parishioner at St. Edward the Confessor Church in Dana Point, California, and St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Rubuguri, Uganda. He and his wife Sandy recently founded Friends of St. Kizito Rubuguri Primary School in Rubuguri, Uganda, where they serve as missionaries. He can be reached at
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