Oh Lord, let us repent from sin.

We are plagued by temptation every single day.

Some days are bright, and some are dark and dreary.

It seems like fog settles over the land. As the rooster crows.

Because even the rooster knows the time is not right.

When the time is not right in the land.

And people gather in the streets to proclaim.

The darkness of masterful deceit, and the horror of defeat.

Sinners gone astray in a world of disarray.

Wars and more wars and no resolution,

No place for love and reconciliation.

Forgive us Oh Lord, wake us from deep slumber.

Of hate in the land, and no love for one another.

Brothers, sisters, and kin, at war with each other.

Over political parties and who will rule the land.

Lord, you are the master, and no one will ever replace you.

For one day all shall repent and sing your glory and praise.

In repentance and tribulation for all their sinful ways.

May the Rooster’s crow be heard far and wide.

As he flies over the land, peace prevails.

And a loving and compassionate God sends down blessings from above.

To all the sinners far and wide, as they see the light of a beautiful day.

And darkness leaves the land, and peace reigns forever more.

Dorothy Dempsey is a senior citizen who loves to write. She thanks God for allowing her to share this gift through published articles in The St. Louis American, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Belleville News, St. Louis Catholic Review, and in various books.

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